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Video of our acts
Rola bola
"Rock 'n' Roll"
Performed by Ivan and Vasilisa Slipchenko
"A Morning of the Artist"
Performed by Ivan Slipchenko
Performed by Ivan Slipchenko
Hula hoopBouncing Balls JugglingRag DollContortion
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Hats JugglingFind out more
Play with hula hoop
Performed by Vasilisa Slipchenko
"Joy of Life"
Performed by Vasilisa Slipchenko
Find out moreFind out moreRola BolaBouncing Balls JugglingRag DollContortionHats Juggling
Bouncing Balls Juggling
"Agent 008"
Performed by Ivan Slipchenko
"Yiwan and the Magic Beans"
Performed by Ivan Slipchenko
Find out moreFind out moreRola BolaHula HoopRag DollContortionHats Juggling
Contortion on the spinning podium
Performed by Vasilisa Slipchenko
Find out moreRola BolaHula HoopBouncing Balls JugglingRag DollHats Juggling
Comical act
"Rag Doll"
Performed by Yury and Vasilisa Slipchenko, and Natalia Zhuleva
Find out moreRola BolaHula HoopBouncing Balls JugglingContortionHats Juggling
Hats Juggling
Performed by Ivan Slipchenko
Find out moreRola Bola

Hula Hoop

Bouncing Balls JugglingRag Doll


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The thoughts and feelings in each movement and element

SLivVA studio
We are circus artists and we bring joy to all our spectators!
We perform 10 exciting acts that can perfectly sweeten up your event or show. We have an extensive experience and our acts were marked by several prizes of the international circus festivals, so the quality of our acts is guaranteed
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SLivVA studio
SLipchenko IVan & VAsilisa
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